Principal Investigator

Prof. Barbara A. Niemeyer, PhD.
Professor of Molecular Biophysics
Center for Integrative Physiology & Molecular Medicine (CIPMM) Bd. 48
Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes DE-66421, Homburg (Saar)
Barbara obtained her undergraduate degree (Diplom) in Biology from RWTH Aachen before joining the laboratory of Charles S. Zuker (HHMI) as a PhD student at the Neuroscience Graduate School, UC San Diego (USA). In her PhD work, Barbara identified the functional roles of TRPL, CDP-DAG and INAD in Drosophila photoreceptor function.
As postdoctoral trainee with Thomas L. Schwarz at Stanford University, Barbara worked on the specificity of SNARE protein function before joining the Pharmacology Department at Saarland University as a group leader with a focus on the mammalian TRP channels TRPV6 and TRPM8.
In 2008 Barbara joined the Department of Biophysics as research professor, before becoming Full Professor of Molecular Biophysics at Saarland University in 2014.
Barbara obtained her undergraduate degree (Diplom) in Biology from RWTH Aachen before joining the laboratory of Charles S. Zuker (HHMI) as a PhD student at the Neuroscience Graduate School, UC San Diego (USA). In her PhD work, Barbara identified the functional roles of TRPL, CDP-DAG and INAD in Drosophila photoreceptor function.
As postdoctoral trainee with Thomas L. Schwarz at Stanford University, Barbara worked on the specificity of SNARE protein function before joining the Pharmacology Department at Saarland University as a group leader with a focus on the mammalian TRP channels TRPV6 and TRPM8.
In 2008 Barbara joined the Department of Biophysics as research professor, before becoming Full Professor of Molecular Biophysics at Saarland University in 2014.


Postdoctoral researchers

PD Dalia Alansary, Dr. rer. nat.
Group leader
Learn more about Dalia’s research interests here.
Learn more about Dalia’s research interests here.
PhD students

Jeanette Andres
PhD student

Lukas Jarzembowski, BSc.
PhD student
Lukas joined the lab for his bachelor thesis, which focused on characterizing Stim1B’s function. He continues to investigate the role of Stim1 splice variants in synaptic physiology using optical tools as a Fast-Track PhD student.
Lukas joined the lab for his bachelor thesis, which focused on characterizing Stim1B’s function. He continues to investigate the role of Stim1 splice variants in synaptic physiology using optical tools as a Fast-Track PhD student.
Lukas is in charge of the Plasmidsaurus dropbox at the CIPMM